EDC15 conference

On the occasion of the 15th anniversary of UMR7216, Epigenetics and 
Cell Fate, this conference will look back on 15 years of scientific advances
in the fields of epigenetics and cellular differentiation in normal or
pathological conditions.

Practical informations

The day will take place on Tuesday October 8, 2024.

Registration is free but mandatory (registration deadline 09/15/24)

The presentations will take place at the Buffon amphitheater of Paris Cité University. 
The poster session will be accessible in the library of the Jacques Monod Institute
near the amphitheater.
More details in the “Access plan” section.

The poster session is opent to all participants. The best posters will be rewarded at the end
of the day (1st price:
300 euros gift card).

Rights of use

Photographs will be taken during the day and may be published on communication channels (X account, Unit and University websites).

Please contact us if you do not give your permission to use and publish your image. edc15@sciencesconf.org





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